AWE program strives to help women acquire the skills required to build and sustain a successful business, and develop more confidence.
NEUSTADT: Saugeen Connects, a partnership between Saugeen Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) and six municipalities, Brockton, Hanover, Minto, Wellington North, West Grey, and South Bruce, are Accelerating Action for Women’s Equality by offering FREE lunch-time webinar series called Advancing Women Economically (AWE). This collaborative group will be running the 4th annual AWE webinar series, assisting rural women with entrepreneurial skills and business leadership training through nine virtual workshops running March 12th through to May 7th with a networking wrap-up luncheon on May 9th. Topics include Business Planning, Cashflow, Keeping your Financials on Track, Social Media Marketing, Nurturing Your Most Valuable Client/Customer, How To Apply for Grants and Loans, Monetization of TikTok, AI & Business, and more. The AWE program has helped over 70 women gain the necessary skills to build and sustain a successful business, develop more confidence and be provided with support to overcome a good portion of the barriers they face.
To kick off the program, Saugeen Connects, Women of Wellington Saugeen Area (WOWSA) and Saugeen Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) have partnered to host an International Women’s Day Event celebrating Acceleration Action For Women’s Equality at the Neustadt Community Hall on March 5th.
AWE is here to assist you with becoming a successful entrepreneur.
For more information, and to apply for the AWE program visit: